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The following abbreviations compile an extensive glossary that covers commonly used terms in the shipping industry. This includes terminology related to ship sale and purchase, shipbroking, chartering and to the general shipping and maritime industry.

AA - Always Afloat

AAAA - Always Accessible Always Afloat

AAOSA - Always Afloat or Safe Aground

AARA - Amsterdam Antwerp R'dam Area

AB - Able bodied seaman

ABT - About

A/C - Account

ACC - Acceptance

ACCNT - Account

ADDTL - Additional

ADV - Advise


A/E - Accept/Except

A.F. - Advanced freight

AFMT - After fixing main terms

AFSPS - Arrival First Sea Pilot Station 

AFFREIGHTMENT -  Hiring a ship or part

AGW - All Going Well

A/H - Antwerp — Hamburg Range

AHT - Anchor Handling Tug

AHTS - Anchor Handling Tug Supply

A/M - Above Mentioned

AN - Ammonium Nitrate

A/N - Arrival Notice

ANCH - Anchorage

ANTHAM - Antwerp-Hamburg Range

ANF - Arrival Notification Form

A/O - And/or

APPR - Approval

APS - Arrival Pilot Station

ARA - Antwerp Rotterdam Amsterdam Range

ARAG - Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerp Gent Range

ARND - Around

ARRL - Arrival

A/S - After Sight

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASBA - American Shipbrokers Association

ASF - As following

ASPW - Any Safe Port in the World

ATA - Actual Time Of Arrival

ATD - Actual Time Of Departure

ATDNSHINC - Any Time Day/Night Saturdays and Holidays Incl.

ATUTC - Actual Time Used To Count

A/V - According to Value (Ad Valorem)

AVG - Average

AWB - Air Waybill

AWIWL - Always Within Institute Warranty Limits


BAF - Bunker Adjustment Factor

BB - Bareboat Boat or Ballast Bonus

BBB - Before Breaking Bulk

BBHP - Bareboat Hire Purchase

BBL - Barrel

B/C - Bulk Cargo

BDAYS - Banking Days


BDEAUX - Bordeaux

BDI - Both Dates Inclusive


BENDS - Both Ends (Loads & Discharge Ports)

BGD - Bagged

BHP - Break Hores Power

BI - Both Inclusive

BIMCO - The Baltic and International Maritime Council

BL - Bale

B/L - Bill of Lading

BLSEA - Baltic sea

BLT - Built

BM - Beam

B.O. - Buyer's Option

BOB - Bunker On Board

BOFFER - Best Offer

BOS - Bill of Sale

BOX - Boxed cargo hold

BP - Between Perpendiculars

BRDGS - Best Regards

BROB - Bunkers Remaining On Board

BSHAPED - Boxshaped

BSS - Basis

BSS 1/1 - Basis 1 Port to 1 Port

BT - Berth Terms

BV - Bureau Veritas

BXS - Boxes

BWAD - Brackish Water Arrival Draft


C.A.D. - Cash Against Documents

CANC - Cancelling

CABAF - Currency and Bunkers Adjustment Factor

C&D - Collect and Delivery

C&E - Customs and Excise

C&F (CFR) - Cost and Freight

CAF - Currency Adjustment Factor

C/B - Container Base

CBM - Cubic Meter

CBFT (CFT) - Cubic Feet

CC - Cargo Capacity

CGO - Cargo

CHABE - Charter's Agents Both Ends

CHOPT - Charter's Option

CHR - charterer

CHRTS - Charterers

CIF - Cost, Insurance & Freight

CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid

CLSSD - Classified

CNFM - Confirm

CNEE - Consignee

CO - Certificate of Origin

COA - Contract of Affreightment

COACP - Contract Of Affreightment Charter Party

COB - Closing of Business

COBLDN - Closing of Business London

COD - Cash On Delivery

COE - Current Certificate of Ownership

COFR - Certificate of Financial

COGSA - Carriage Of Goods by Sea Act

COMM - Commission

CONS - Consumption

CONSEC - consecutive

CONSG Consignment

COP - Custom Of the Port

CP (C/P) - Charter Party

CPD - Charter Pays Dues

CQD - Customary Quick Dispatch

CY - Container Yard

CPT - Carriage Paid To

CQD - Customary Quick Despatch

CR - Current Rate or Crane

CROB - Cargo Remaining On Board

CRN - Crane

CRT - Cargo Retention Clauses

CST - Centistoke

CTR - Container Fitted

CUFT - Cubic Feet

CY - Cylinders

CVRD - Covered


D/A - Documents Against Acceptance

DA - Disbursment Account

DAF - Deliver at Frontier

DAPS - Days All Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)

DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid

DDP - Delivered Duty Paid

DEM - Demurrage

DESCR - Description

DESP - Despatch

DET - Detention

DES - Delivered Ex Ship

DETS - Details

DEQ - Delivered Ex Quay

DFRT - Deadfreight

DGN - Dangerous Goods Note

DHDATSBE - Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Sac Both Ends

DHDWTSBE - Despatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends

DIA - Diameter

DIMS - Dimensions

DLOSP - Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot

DIR - Direction

DISCH - Discharge

DISPORT - Discharging Port

DK - Deck

DLOSP - Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot

DO - Diesel Oil

DOLSP - Dropping Off Last Sea Pilot

DOP - Dropping Outward Pilot

DOT - Department Of Transport

DNRCAOSLONL - Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost

D/P - Documents Against Payments

DP (or DYNPSOS) - Dynamic Positioning

DPT - Depth

DRAFT - Dept to which a ship i immersed in water

DRK - Derrick

DV - Dry Van (container)

DWAT (or DWT) - Deadweight

DWCC - Deadweight Cargo Capacity

DYS - Days


EC - East Cost

ECUK - East Cost of UK

EIU - Even If Used

ELVENT - Electric Ventilation

EST - Estimated

ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

ETC - Estimated Time of Completion

ETD - Estimated Time of Departure

ETR - Estimated Time of Readiness

ETS - Estimated Time of Sailing

EXCL - Exclusive

EXINS - Extra Insurance

EXW - Ex Works


FAS - Free Alongside Ship

FAS - Faroese International Ship Registry

FCA - Free to Carrier

FCC - First Class Charterers or Fu

FCC - Full Carrying Capacity

FCL - Full Container Load

FD (or FDESP) - Free Despatch

FDD - Freight Demurrage Deadfreight

FDIS - Free Discharge

FEAST - Far East

FERTS - Fertilizers

FEU - Standard 40' Container

FFA - Forward Freight Agreement

FFI - For Further Instructions

FHEX - Fridays/Holidays Excluded

FHINC - Fridays/Holidays Included

FIFI - Fire Fighting

FILO - Free In/Liner Out

FIO - Free In/Out

FIOS - Free In/Out Stowed

FIOST - Free In/Out and Trimmed

FIOT - Free In/Out and Trimmed

FIT - Free In Trimmed

FIW - Free In Wagon

FIXING - Chartering A Vessel

FIXTURE - Conclusion of Shipbrokers Negotiations to Charter a Ship

FLT - Full Liner Terms

FMC - Federal Maritime Commission

FMS - Fathoms

FO (IFO) - Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO

FO - For Orders

FOB - Free On Board

FOFFER - Firm Offer

FOG - For Our Guidance

FOQ - Free On Quay

FOR - Free On Rail

FOSVA - Forward Ship Value Agreement
FOT - Free On Truck

FOW - First Open Water

FOW - Free On Wharf

FP - Free Pratique

FRT - Freight

FR.WA. - Fresh water

FREE OUT - Free of discharge costs to Owners. Incl. seafreight only.

FWAD - Fresh Water Arrival Draft

FWDD - Fresh Water Departure Draft

FYG - For Your Guidance

FYI - For Your Information

G - Grain cargo capacity

GA - Ganeral Arrangment

GA - General Average

GATT - General Arrangement of Tariffs and Trade

G/B - Grain capacity/Bale capacity

GENCON (or GNCN) - General Conditions

GLESS (or GRLESS, GLS) - Gearless (no crane)

GMDSS - Global Maritime Distress Safety System

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GN - Grain (capacity)

GNCN - Gencon / a standard BIMCO charter party form

GO - Gas Oil

GR - Grain

GR - Geographical Rotation

GRD - Geared (has crane)

GRT - Gross Registered Tonnage

GT - Gross Tonnage

GSB - Good Safe Berth

GSP - Good Safe Port

GSPB - Good Safe Port Berth

GTEE - Guarantee


H&M - Hull & Machinery

2H - Second Half

HA - Hatch

HBF - Harmless Bulk Fertilizer

HCMC - Ho Chi Minh City

HDLTSBENDS - Half Despatch Time Saved Both Ends

HDWTS - Half Despatch Working Time Saved

HELDK - Helicopter Deck

H/L (or HLV) - Heavy Lift

HHDW - Heandy Heavy D.W. (Scrap)

HIRE - T/C Remuniration

HLSS - Harmless

HMBG - Hamburg

HMS - Heavy Metal Scraps

HO - Hold

HOMOG - Homogeneous

HR - Hour

HRS - Hours

HSC - High Speed Craft

HS Code - Harmonized System Codes

HVFL - Heavy Fuel

HQ - High Cube (container)

HW - High Water

ICW - Intercoastal Waterway

ILOHC - In Lieu of Holds Cleaning

IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMFPA - Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement

IMMLY - Immediately

IMO - International Maritime Organization

INCLOT - Including Overtime

IND - Indication

IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Code

ISM - International Safety Management Code

ISO - International Standards Organisation

ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

ITF - International Transport Workers Federation

IU - If Used

IUATUTC - If Used, Actual Time Used To Count

IUHTAUTC - If Used, Half Time Actually Used To Count

IWL - Institute Warranty Limits


J/A - Joint Account

JV - Joint Venture

KG - Kommanditgesellschaft (German Limited Partnership)

KN (or knt or Knts or kts) - Knots

KTM - Keel to top mast

KOS - Kilogrammes

KW - Kilowatts


LAT - Latitude

LAYCAN - Laydays/Cancelling Date

L/C - Letter of Credit

LCL - Less than Container Load

LCR - Lowest Currency Rate

LF - Load Factor

L/I - Letter of Indemnity

LAT - Latitude

LAYCAN - Layday Cancelling Date

L/C - Letter of Credit

LCL - Less than Container Load

LCR - Lowest Currency Rate

LF - Load Factor

L/I - Letter of Indemnity

LILO - Liner In Liner Out

LIFO - Liner In Free Out

LM - Lane Meter

LMAA - London Maritime Arbitration Association

LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas

LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LPORT - Load Port

LOA - Length Overall of the vessel

LOF - Lloyds Open Form

LOI - Letter of intent
LOI - Letter of Indemnity (also used)

LO/LO - Load-on, Load-off / Lift-on, Lift-off 

LOW - Last Open Water

LPP (or LBP) - Length between Perpendiculars

LS (or LUMPS) - Lumpsum

LSD - Lashed Secured Dunnaged

LT - Liner Terms

LT - Long Ton

LTHH - Liner Terms Hook/Hook

LW - Low Water

LYCN (LAYCAN) - Layday Concelling Date


MB - Merchant Broker

MDO(DO) - Marine Diesel Oil

MDWT - Metric Deadweight tons

ME - Main Engine

MGO - Marine gas oil

MIN/MAX - Minimum/Maximum (Cargo Quantity)

MINS - Minerals

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOB - Mobilization

MOLCHOPT - More Or Less Charterers Option

MOLOO - More Or Less Owners Option

MOS - Months

MOT - Monthly Over Time

MPP - Multi Purpose ship

MR - Medium Range

MT (or MTONS) - Metric Tonne

M/V (or MV) - Motor Vessel


NAABSA - Not Always Afloat But Safety Aground

N/A - Not Applicable

NCB - National Cargo Bureau

NCS - Norwegian Continental Shelf

NCND - Non-disclosure non-circumvention agreement

NE - Not Exceeding

N.E. - Not East of

NEGOS - Negotiations

NM - Nautical Mile

NOR - Notice Of Readiness

N.S. - Not South of

NSA - Norwegian Shipowners' Association

NSF - Norwegian Saleform

NRT - Net Registered Tonnage

NT - Net Tonnage

NT YT, TT - Not Yet, That

N.W. - Not West of

NYPE - The New York Produce Exchange charterparty


OA - Overall

OBO - Ore / Bulk / Oil Carrier

OABE - Owners Agents Both Ends

OAGED - over aged

OO - Owners Option

OOG - Out of Gauge

OSB - One Safe Berth

OSH - Open Shelter Deck

OSP - One Safe Port

OSV - Offshore Suppport Vessel or Oil Storage Vessel

O/H - Overheight

O/W - Overwidth

OWS - Owners


PANDI (or P&I) -Protection and Indemnity

PASTUS - Past Us

PC - Period of Charter

PCGO - Part Cargo

PCT - Per cent

PD - Per day

PDA, PDoA - Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance
PDPR - Per Day Pro Rata

PE - Purchase Enquiry

PERDIEM - By the Day / Per Diem

PG - Persian Gulf

PHPD - Per Hatch Per Day

P/L - Package List

PMO - Passing Muscat Outbound

PMS - Premium Motor Spirit

PMT - Payment

POC - Port of Call

POD - Paid on Delivery

PODA - Proticol of Deliver and Acceptance

POB - Pilot on Board

PHPD - Per Hatch Per Day

POSN - Position

PPS - Platform supply vessel

PPT - Prompt

PRATIQUE - License or permission to use a port

PREF - Preferable

PRT - Port

PSC - Port Sate Control

PTO - Power Take Off unit

PWH - Per Workable Hatch

PWWD - Per Weather Working Day


QLTY - Quality

QN - Quotation

QRS - Quarters

QTR - Quarter

QTY - quantity

QRC - Quick Release Coupling (LNG Carriers)


RECAP - Recapituation of the terms and conditions agreed upon

RCVR - Receivers

RDGS - Regards

REBLT - Rebuilt

RECD - Received

REDEL - Redelivery

Reefer - A refrigerated vessel or container

REG (or REGD) - Registered

ROB - Remaining On Board

RO-Ro - Roll on Roll Off Ship

ROT - Rotation

RPM - Revolutions per minute

RQRD - Required

RT - Revenue Tonne 

RVTG - reverting


S.THR - Side Thruster

SA - Safe Anchorage

SALEFORM - Memorandum of Agreement

SANDP - Sale and Purchase

SATNOON - Saturday Noon

SATPM - Saturday P.M.

S&P - Sale & Purchase

SB - Safe Berth

SBM - Soya Bean Meal

SBT - Segregated Ballast Tanks

SD (or SID) - Single Decker (Singledecker)

SELFD - Self Discharging

SEMI-TRAILERS - 12 m flatbed road trailers

SF - Stowage Factor

SATSHEX - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted

SATSHINC - Saturday, Sundays and Holidays Included

SHINC - Sundays/Holidays Included

SHEX - Sundays/Holidays excluded

SHPMNT (SHIPT) - Shipment

SHPG - Shipping

SID - Single decker (singledecker)

SLPTA - Slop Tanks

SN - Satelite Navigation

SNP - Sale and purchae

SOB - Shipped on board

SOC - Shipper Owned Container

SOF - Statement Of Facts

SP - Safe Port

SPORE - Singapore

S/R - Signing/Releasing

SRBL - Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading

SSHEX (SATSHEX) - Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded

SSHINC (SATSHINC) - Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included

SS and C - Same Sea and Country Coast

SSW - Salt Summer Water

STARBOARD - Right side of a ship when facing the front

STEM - Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)

STERN - The aftmost part of a ship

STW - Said to weigh

SUB - Subject

SWAD - Salt Water Arrival Draft, Salt Water Air Draft

SWDD - Salt Water Departure Draft

SWL - Safe Working Load


TA - Tanks

TB - To Be

TBA - To Be Advised

TBL - To be lifted

TBMA - To Be Mutually Agreed

TBN - To Be Named

TC (T/C) - Time Charter

TCP - Time Charter Party

TCT - Time Charter Trip

TDW - Tons Deadweight

TEU - Standard 20' Container

THC - Terminal Handling Charge

THR - Thruster

TLXDD - Telex Dated

TM - Thickness Measurement

TNS - Tons

T/S - Transhipment

TL - Total Loss

TTL - Total

TTO - Through Transport Operator

TW - Tween Decker


UCE - Unforseen Circumstances Expected

UCP - Uniform Customs and Practice of Documentary Credits 

UKCS - United Kongdom Continental Shelf

ULCC - Ultra Large Crude Carrier

UMS - nmannes Machinery Space

U/0 - DECK Under/On Deck

USAC - United States Atlantic Coast

USC - Unless Sooner Commenced

USG - United States Gulf

USC - Unless Sooner Commenced

UTM- Ultrasonic Thickness measurements

UU - Unless Used

UWI - Under Water Inspection (divers inspection)


VEG - Vegetable Oil

VLCC - Very Large Crude Carrier

VOL - Volume

VOY - Voyage

VPD - Vessel Pays Dues

VPP - Variable Pitch Propeller

VSL - Vessel

VV - Vice Versa


WA - Water

WB - Way Bill or Water Ballast

WC - West Coast

WCCON - Whether Customs Cleared Or Not

WCI - West Coast of India

WCYO - What Can You Offer

WDK - Weather Deck

WIBON - Whether In Berth Or Not

WIFPON - Whether In Free Practique Or Not

WIPON - Whether In Port Or Not

WLTOHC - Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming (Distance)

W/M - Weight of Measurement

WOG - Without Guarantee

WP - Weather Permitting

WPD - Weather Permitting Day

WRIC - Wire Rods In Collis

WTS - Working Time Saved

WWD (or WWDYS) - Weather Working Days

WWR - When, Where Ready



XS - Excess

XWHSE - Ex. Warehouse



YAR - York Antwerp Rules

YDAY - Yesterday

YD (or YDS) - Yards

YRS - Years


ZT - Zone Time

ZULU - (Greenwich Mean TIme)

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